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Kelly Clarkson Twitterd Mee

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1Kelly Clarkson Twitterd Mee Empty Kelly Clarkson Twitterd Mee 4/1/2010, 11:40



Kelly Clarkson Twitterd Mee Twitterkc
Klik op de foto voor Kellys Twitterpage

Ja ja, het is er toch van gekomen: ook Kelly is nu aan de Twitter! En dit keer weten we voor 100% dat het echt Kelly is, omdat ze het het heeft aangekondigd op de blog op haar officiële site:

So I'm on Twitter @kelly_clarkson

So I promised some people that I would try out twitter this year. I have been avoiding it like the black plague but I will try it out (= It's not that I'm against twitter or blogging. I just can't fathom why anyone would care enough about what I have to say ....BUT what I find annoying/ridiculous/really sad for humanity is when people pretend that they're me on all these different sites. I mean, seriously?! What kind of pathetic person goes around impersonating other people and having full on conversations as if they have somehow coached themselves into thinking they are actually me. I promise all of you, I'm not that interesting. If you want to impersonate someone, aim higher for the love of all that is holy (= I just twittered for the first time today and just so everyone knows, my 'real' twitter is 'kelly_clarkson'.

On a completely separate note, I went to the Cowboys game today at the new stadium and had a lot of fun with my mom, sis, and a few friends. I don't know why I said Cowboys game in that last sentence ...what I should have said was "I went to the Eagles massacre today" because they didn't even score! That's really sad. hahaha GO COWBOYS!!!!


haar 2e Twitter:

Note that I made some changes ..because having your album cover as your picture ..well, that's a sure sign of a tool pic coming soon

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